50 Potential Terrorists Brought to America From Afghanistan that are Now Missing in the U.S.

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  1. That they “walk off” may be the first part in a recipe for future Muslim murderous jihad attacks in America. They just “walked off “means that they must have something to hide

    If it wasn’t for Joe Biden who created that total catastrophe in Afghanistan, there wouldn’t be problem of Afghan refugees in the first place.

    Furthermore, that Biden scheme to settle all those Afghan refugees in the different States in American is a recipe for disaster.

    Take England for example, The United Kingdom has already experienced many vicious and malice-filled murderous Muslims terrorists attacks, as those, for example, those different malicious and deadly jihadists attacks in London and that horrendous mass murder jihad homicide bombing in the city of Manchester in which so many innocent young girls died.

    Another way to illustrate the folly of foolish and reckless kindness is by the fable of Aesop which of a kind old farmer who saw outside a poor helpless viper that was freezing to death in the winter cold. The compassionate but foolish farmer felt sorry for that creature, so he went outside and put it in his vest pocket to warm it up and therefore save its live. The viper revived in the warmed of vest ,felt better then bit the farmer through the vest and the kind but foolish farmer died a slow and painful death from that viper’s bite.

    So it might be in America by Afghan jihadists playing the part of a desperate “refugee” from Afghanistan who claimed that he was just fleeing the Taliban. For no amount of caring and kindness will change the murderous and destructive nature of a violent /jihadist/Muslim because such a man has been infected with an evil and deadly nature because of the evil and deadly religion.

    The duty of any genuine President of the United States is to protect the safety, security and lives of the American citizen.

    That duty President impostor Joe Biden completely refuses to preform, for by allowing all those unvetted Afghan/Muslims into America is a recipe for disaster.

    For some of them might be secret jihadists just waiting and scheming for a specific US city or large town to engage in a murderous and destructive jihad Islamic terror attack in.

    Some of the other Afghan refugees might be criminals. In both cases Biden will have the blood of many innocent Americans on his wicked hands.

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