Punching Left – Part 1

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  1. Not wanting to get too far off this main topic , it still needs to be mentioned that it’s outright blatant Islamic child abuse to brainwash children from little on up to hate the Jewish people and to want to kill them and and likewise to also mind program small children to desire to destroy the State of Israel is an abomination and horrendous unconscionable affront to all that is good deceit , civilized right and rational.

    As for the last word on this lost “rational,” non-watered down Qu ‘tan based Islam actually has nothing to do be being rational or logical.. This is because faith in Islam is not based on reason or logic but blind firm unquestioning ,unthinking faith, which many times does include, malice viciousness violence and killing.

    Furthermore, the are some good but naive and uninformed people who when discovering about that horrible brainwashing and mind control of little children to raise,train and manipulate them,as to use the as tools and stooges for Islam’s jihad , those same good people after being finding out about that hideous evil and becoming shocked about it might then stop and wonder as then ask the question

    “How can those Muslim adults to such callous heartless terrible things to those children as the brainwash them into the mindset of wanting to be bloody killers for the jihad ?”

    The answer to that question in found in the Bible, which informs it’s reader that there are some men who are very callous and heartless because they have had “their conscience seared with a hot iron.”
    First Timothy 4:2. [K.J.V.]

    In this specific case that “hot iron” is Islam.

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